We beat Obama four years ago we’ll do it again- Trump says Obama can’t help Biden win the US presidential election

The United States President Donald Trump has slammed his predecessor in the office, Barack Obama, claiming that his efforts to help Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, win the November elections will be unsuccessful.
According to Trump who major polls have him lagging behind Biden, former president Barack Obama worked so hard for Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign but still lost to him.
Trump says the same fate will befall Biden because is supporters are more ‘energized than before’
Tweeting on Saturday morning, August 1, Trump wrote;
”Obama worked harder for Hillary Clinton and the losing Clinton Campaign than she worked for herself! Now he’s working with Sleepy Joe – will be same result. MAGA is energized like never before!”

In an earlier tweet, Trump wrote; ”We beat Obama 4 years ago, he worked harder than Crooked Hillary, and we’ll do it again!”

Trump’s tweet comes after a New York Times report on Friday, July 31 revealed that Obama called Trump “racist, sexist and nativist’ at an online private fundraiser where he helped raise over $20m for Biden’s campaign.
Trump and Biden are set to battle for the White House job in November 2020 to determine the next leader of the free world for the next four years.