Wedding: Poor Bride Weds Wearing A Mosquito Net And Bag Of Rice As Her Wedding Gown(Photos)

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Why pay for a wedding gown when you have a mosquito net in the house. ??
This Bride decided to use a mosquito net, after all, what you wear is not as important as the wedding.
See some reactions;
Glory Isah Dnt ova laUgh bcs u dnt knw what wil hapn to u tmrw! may God help us all nt to fall into dis!
Victoria Partapsingh Wall Dont understand what was so funny tho
Roseline Degbe Life is not rosy or bed of roses, it full of joy n sorrow, up n downs, cryin n laughter, it really full of misery….. What a Life
Folumi Crown Sack as gown and mosquitoes net as veil ….. ? teary may good God bless your union
Jossie Psi So not funny! We are just lucky that we didn’t grow up poor, like her!
Shane Jerhen It’s okay long that you love each other and build your family in God’s strong foundation. .
This Bride Who Was Unable To Rent A Wedding Gown Because She And Her Husband Couldn’t Afford It Designed Her Own Customized Wedding Gown With A Mosquito Net And A Bag Of Rice… Show Some Love
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