Woman tries to commit suicide after her daughter dies while giving birth

A woman tried to commit suicide by jumping into Narmada canal near Limbadia village, Saraspur, India on Sunday after her 25-year-old daughter died during childbirth on Saturday.
The rescued woman has been identified as Savitaben Bharatji Thakor (pictured) a resident of Thakor ni Chali near Bombay Housing at Saraspur.
A security guard deployed at Narmada canal saw Thakor jumping into the canal. He immediately dived in and rescued her.
After she was taken out of the canal, she broke down lamenting about her daughter’s death, said the security guard.
When contacted, her sister-in-law Madhu Thakor said:
“Savita’s daughter Harshida was suffering from jaundice and she became critical during labour pain. She was first taken to a private hospital from where she was referred to the Civil Hospital in Asarwa. While giving birth to a baby boy, she died.”
“We have spent lakhs of rupees in Harshida’s treatment but that could not save her life. This is the poor state of health care facility. A woman died while giving birth and no medical remedy was there to save her,” said Thakor.