Injured woman accuses Ogudu police officers of ramming into her with their car then threatening to shoot her when she confronted them (video)

A woman has accused police officers in the Ogudu division of ramming into her with their car after which they threatened to shoot her when she confronted them.
Doris Jay shared a video of her injured legs and alleged that she was hit by a police car while she was waiting for a bike. She said she found herself under the police car and the officers made no move to help her up. When she stood on her own, she claims they showed no remorse and even threatened to shoot her.
Narrating what happened, she said:
I was standing at the road side looking for bike to go home, and a police ? car coming in a high speed came and hit me and the bike man… I rolled under their car, they didn’t even bother to come down of the car & rescue me out. I struggled on my own & came out under their car and they drove off, I took a cab and followed them to their station at ogudu ojota.. on getting there they said I shud thank God I’m still alive and they sent me away threatening to shoot me..
Watch the video accusing Nigerian police of brutality below.